Welcome to my new website! I waited a while to create it, wanting it to be perfect before my huge onslaught of new readers descended on it. No, I'm kidding. It's probably not perfect, I'm no web designer. My little brother is, but to be honest, I'd rather he didn't know what I was writing about! So you got my attempts for now, How about I promise if you all buy my books and earn me some money, one day I'll hire a proper person to make a pretty site for you all?
So no, not perfect, and obviously there won't be a huge onslaught of readers, I was kidding about that too. But hopefully there's a few of you made your way here, so i wanted to say hi and let you know what I was planning for this year.
Wrath of the Fallen is my new paranormal reverse harem romance series. If you like dark, passionate romances, sizzling hot supernaturals, a kickass female and twisted mythologies, this series is definitely for you. With action, mystery, steam and a touch of humour here and there, I've loved writing this series, so I hope you'll love reading it. There will be five books in total, with Book 1 Nephilim Awakening releasing in May 2021. the plan is for the whole series to be released by the end of the year.